Category Archives: Running

Run Anyway Marathon NY 2012


We all know by now the NY Marathon 2012 was cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy. The race cancellation was announced only 36hours before the starting time and it was a huge letdown for people like me, who traveled halfway around the world. My husband, baby and I were even stranded in Korea for 4 days as all the flights to JFK airport were put on hold when we were already enroute to the US.

Needless to say, I, along with thousands of other individuals had given a lot of physical, emotional, mental, and financial investment into this event. We were fully aware that the city was still trying to recover but we knew that the marathon offered a huge boost to New York’s economy, and I personally thought that we were doing our part to help out. We all still did, as the expo staged by the organization directed the proceeds towards the victims of the hurricane.

The most amazing thing for me though, was that the runners of New York organized an impromptu marathon on the original race date and dubbed it the “Run Anyway NY Marathon 2012.” Maricel Pangilinan and I and the other Filipinos, including my cousins Asa, Kris, Edel and my uncle Dr. Glen Mendoza, Melodee Arevalo Mendoza, Carlos de Guzman, Raeanna Cranbourne, Geraldine Santiago, Gem Padilla Thomas, Paul Loyz joined and showed solidarity. Pledges were made once again to help the relief efforts.

Big big crowds of marathoners participated. Supporters came out in droves at Central Park. I felt like tearing up when we passed the finish arch, which had already been set up. Maricel and I ran together and marveled at the collective spirit of the running community–it just cannot be broken, and this is what non-runners will never understand.

I would like to thank Timex Multisport Team and Timex Philippines, with special mention to Keith Meyer, Tristan Brown, Avi Uttamchadani, Gemma Pagsibigan and Jose Sarmenta. This trip has been very special, official race or not. You can never tell how things will turn out, and this is a perfect example. We were all given lemons, and we combined forces to make a giant lemonade.

My friends and I have vowed to return next year with a vengeance, and celebrate again with our fellow runners. We’re pretty sure they will all have a New York state of mind too.





















November 7, 2012 · 9:16 am

The Proof Is In The Pavement

It’s a Saturday and am not riding my bike.

And nope, I am not fussed.  Given the time constraints that I have, today is the day I put my foot down, lace my shoes up, and start training properly for my first marathon.  Yup, you read that right. I’ve never really done a stand-alone marathon event.  The six 42k runs which I’ve done have always been preceded by a 3.8km swim and a 180km bike. I’m not downplaying those runs at all, but I think it’s high time I give myself a chance to try and start a 42km without my old unwanted companions Backache and Energy Deficit.

I’ve always known that my first marathon event was going to be special, and this year I am finally realizing my dream with the help of my Timex family, who was generous enough to give me a slot for the famous New York Marathon on Nov 4.  Timex has been a part of the NYM for a long time now, and am happy to have their support, as well as the support of my local partners Timex PhilippinesUnilab Active Health and Adidas Philippines.

Most of my major triathlon races of the year are done with, and now I finally feel like I have the all-clear to focus on one event. When I gave birth to Dash almost 9months ago now, I set certain goals for myself:

1. To race within two months: Check, Timex Run, Jan 22 2012.

2. To race a Half Ironman within the first quarter: Check, Aviva Singapore 70.3 March 18 2012.

3. To race an Ironman within the first 6mos: Check, Ironman Australia Port Macquarie May 6 2012.

4. To race New York Marathon with a decent runner’s time, 3.5weeks before Dash turns a year old.

5. To race Timex 226, our local Iron distance triathlon, to mark the weekend of Dash’s 1st birthday!

Looking at the calendar, I have 10weeks to prepare for no.4 and 14 weeks to prepare for no.5. At this point though, a run focus is what the heart and soul is asking for, and THANK GOD the body is healthy and injury-free.

If I were to be brutally honest to myself, I just haven’t done the work this year to merit being called a marathon runner. I have too much respect for the distance. When I was training for Ironman Australia, the longest run I did was 22k. Granted, I only had a very small window of opportunity to do this as during the peak week of training for that race Dash was only 4mos old. So I am not beating myself up over that! But I told my husband Dan that I wanted to stop using Dash as an excuse after 6months–the “I just gave birth” card was just getting old. Maybe not for anyone else but for myself it was.

So I am calling on my inner Pam Reed as I will need that persevering spirit to help me last in the longest of my long runs.  I am also calling on the Lady of Fortitude, the Lady of  Endurance and the Lady of Multi Tasking Moms. Why we don’t have icons in their images beats me. I would also like to honor the original marathoner, Pheidippides (and pray that I don’t suffer his fate!).

To my fellow would-be marathon inductees, happy running and see you at the finish line…the proof is in the pavement.


Filed under Adidas, Random Thoughts, Running, Timex, Unilab Active Health

Coffee Run

This morning Filipino Triathlon Champ Arland Macasieb and Bobbit Atendido hosted an informal run session with friends in the village. It was very enlightening for the runners and we even got free trial shots courtesy of Athlete Octane (and, it being a Coffee Run, also coffee)! Running and Triathlon are sports for the individual but I love that it also has this kind of collective group energy 🙂

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How I gained weight and found myself on the cover of Runner’s World Magazine….

Sometime late January this year, I got a call from Runner’s World Editor-In-Chief Marie Calica. She asked if I could drop by their office and studio for a feature. I said, “sure!” without thinking too much about it. So come early Feb I went to the Summit Studio with Dashy in tow, and lo and behold: I was informed then and there that I would be their Cover Feature.

Marie and Angel Constantino told me they did not want me to feel pressured which was why they didn’t tell me sooner. My baby was just two and a half months old then so I was still not back to my normal weight. Far from it. I took it in stride but deep down I was thinking, “Err….COVER? Right Now? Are you serious ???” Please don’t get me wrong, I didn’t have an issue with the extra weight I had, and I was on the way to getting back into shape, in my own time. But as a lifelong athlete, I loved this magazine, so forgive me for wanting to look good in it!

Thank goodness the camera and styling crew were real pros, and Adidas had supplied me recently with loose-fitting outfits! This is the one time I had hoped they would “photoshop” any unflattering bits. The actual cover shoot was quite funny, which found yours truly inhaling sharply and deeply on several (okay, maybe like 50) occasions just to get my tummy to look flat. Not only that, they did not tell me this but I think it took them some time to configure which top and bottom would have the most coverage. Haha 🙂

I had to wait a couple of months just like everybody else to see how the photos came out. I was resigned to the fact that I had just graced the cover of one of the most iconic sports magazines not looking my best.  When I finally saw it I had to send the Runner’s World crew a thank you message saying thanks for editing it so that I didn’t look that bad (read: fat)! According to them, I was mistaken because they didn’t even need to edit the photos that much. Well, I’ll never know if they were just saying that to be nice.  But here it is, plus the featured article inside.

In hindsight, I am impressed that they chose to go with a subject who was not necessarily skinny. Runners do come in all shapes and sizes, and I am happy to represent in whatever manner  (see blog:

 Thanks for entrusting me to be on the newsstands, Runner’s World Philippines 🙂 It’s a real honor!


Filed under Adidas, Mommy-hood, Pinay In Action, Running, Selected Features, Timex, Uncategorized

Running Dead is Alive and Kicking!!!

What a great idea- chasing people to run faster via scare tactics. Seeing how well this worked in the recently held RUNNING DEAD race at Palms Country Club, I now wonder whether I should apply this method to people I coach…hmm.

Seriously though, the race organizers, Army Navy South Tri, performed way above expectations and went all out with painstaking detail on the make-up, buffet, and overall atmosphere of the event.

For those of you still confused about the concept of the race, the general idea is this:  Racers have a belt with 5 “life flags” attached.  Zombies are lined up all over the course to try and get their life flags. Those who can finish with the fastest time plus the most number of flags left wins.

The best part about the whole thing is, the proceeds of the run race go towards helping junior triathletes.  A race after my own heart!

Let me just end this piece by giving a big round of applause to Betsy and the rest of the Army Navy South Tri Team for a job well done… It was a thrill being part of RUNNING DEAD!


Filed under IronKids, Race Report, Running, SuperKids, Triathlon for kids

Save the Date for the TIMEX RUN 2012: Time is Running

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Filed under Running, Timex

Adidas King Of The Road 2011: 5km at 35weeks!

I did it! I had decided a couple of months back that even though I would be due to  give birth in a month, I will still show my support for my favorite run event of the year- the Adidas King Of the Road 2011, which happens to be the culminating event for 5 KOTR events across Asia.  I convinced JM Pilares of Adidas and my husband that I can still do the 5k race even if I have to walk the whole way.

Well, that was the plan anyway. My reasoning was that, I know for a fact that a big chunk of the field always walks, so I thought, “why can’t I do the same thing?”

So Sunday morning of the 23rd, 2:00 am to be exact, Dan and I woke up and took a long drive from Subic to Global City in Taguig since he participated in the Bike United races on Friday and Saturday. I was more chipper than he was, as his legs were smashed from doing three bike races in two days!  He was a real trouper though, as he managed to get us to the start line way ahead of time.  Our race packets were organized for us by JM and Vima at the Adidas Information Tent and shortly after, Dan ran off in the 16.8km race. I waited a few more minutes for the 5km wave. I positioned myself on the far right so I would not get squished, as I was really only planning to walk.

When the gun went off, I found myself moving forward at what seemed like a run–yes, it probably looked more like a waddle, but at 35weeks of pregnancy that was a run for me. I laughed at myself because I just threw my walking plan out the window once the race started- it was the competitor in me I guess.  I eventually settled into a routine of something like a 5min waddle/run and 2min walk. It worked out well, and I crossed the line in 42min and 5seconds.  I was just gunning for a sub-hour walk! Haha. I had loads of fun, and soon after I met up with Dan and our friends Melvin and Saffry who came all they way from Singapore.

Great race, good organization: Kudos to Adidas and Runrio!!!


Filed under Adidas, Race Report, Running

FrontRunner Magazine June 2011 Cover Girl

Thanks so much FrontRunner Magazine for allowing me to grace your pages!

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Filed under Coaching and Training, Photos, Running, Selected Features, Timex, Uncategorized

Jeff Galloway in Manila!

We had the lovely opportunity to meet Jeff Galloway, Mr. Run-Walk-Run himself!

Thanks so much to Chi Running coaches Lit and Cliff for bringing him over to Manila 🙂


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Filed under Events, Running

PAVIC Run Clinic for the Blind

A couple of weeks ago I gave a run clinic for some blind kids and teenagers competing in the National Paralympics.  It was my first time to do such a thing and the best way to describe it would be: eye opening.  The clinic was organized by PAVIC, which stands for Parents of Visibly Impaired Children, and Pinay In Action.

I learned so much more from them than I was able to impart I think, but it was a good way of sharing. I would love to go back and work with them some more in the future!

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Filed under Adidas, Challenged Athletes, Coaching and Training, Events, Pinay In Action, Running, Timex